Members Only

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This page can only be accessed by subscribers to the Members and higher tiers. Subscribe now to get access.

Members of the Drumming Career Course get to take part in a weekly Live Q&A with Joe and special music industry guests.. Each session is an hour long and you can ask Joe and fellow members anything you want to know about a career in music.

Members also get access to the live career-development workshops. The workshops cover a different topic each month. Members get to decide the topics.

Members get instant access to the Complete Drumming Career Online Course. That's over 2 hours of video, play-along loops, links and access to the closed Drumming Career Course group.


For members interested in a more intense and personalized program, consider a Coaching membership.

Members of the coaching program get one-on-one help and advice in building the career that you want to have.

No matter what you hope to achieve in the music industry, I will work with you each week to strategize a plan and keep you on the path to success!


Choose which level works best for you...

Let me help YOU achieve your career goals as a Professional Freelance Drummer!

Thanks so much!

-Joe Goretti